Casino DonationsSuquamish Clearwater Casino Resort routinely donates goods and services to local non-profit programs. In order for your request to be considered, you must submit your request 4 – 6 weeks prior to the date donation is required. Requests submitted with less than 4 weeks notice will not be accepted. Please keep in mind the Casino is more likely to approve a request if the organization/event is located in Kitsap County. Donation guidelines require an organization to be a non-profit registered in the State of Washington or an organization with 501-(c)-(3) exempt status. Cash funding cannot be provided to organizations associated with Politics or Children organizations (children being those under the age of 18). Scroll down to find information for the PME Fund and Suquamish Appendix X Grant. Due to the large volume of requests, we can only reply to applicants who have been approved.
PME CEO FundPort Madison Enterprises (PME) CEO routinely donates goods and services to local non-profit programs. In order for your request to be considered, please submit your request one (1) week prior to the date donation is required. The CEO is more likely to consider a request from a certified 501-(c)-(3) organization, but having a 501-(c)-(3) exempt status is not required. If you have already received funding from the Casino for this calendar year, a cash donation from the PME Administrative Fund will not be considered. In order to help as many organizations as possible, we only allow cash donations from this program OR the Casino Donations program in each calendar year. Due to the large volume of requests, we can only reply to applicants who have been approved.
PME FundThe Port Madison Enterprises (PME) Board of Directors, the decision making body for the parent organization of Suquamish Clearwater Casino Resort, is committed to improving the lives of community members. All organizations applying for financial contribution from this fund are required to apply to the Suquamish Tribe’s Appendix X Fund, if eligible, before seeking funding from the PME Fund. Applications are reviewed once per quarter. Applicants must submit complete applications to the PME Board no later than December 15, March 15, June 15, and September 15, in order for the application to be considered and funded for the following quarter. If you are unsure of which deadline to follow, please refer to the below:
The board has set aside non-casino funds for distribution to organizations that support worthy programs in the region. If you’ve already been denied funding from the Appendix X program (mentioned below), your organization qualifies for a donation request.
Suquamish Tribe Non-Profit GrantsAppendix X (section 14) of the Gaming Compact between Suquamish Tribe and the State of Washington describes specific funds, which are available for award to charitable, non-profit and tribal community programs. Deadlines for Application to the Appendix X Fund occur on a quarterly basis, grants are usually awarded within 60 days of the application deadline (if approved). December 31
If you have already received a contribution from the Casino Donations, PME CEO Fund or PME Fund this year, please wait until next year to request another contribution, so that others may also benefit from our programs. You may apply and receive funding in one calendar year for the following: |