Craps Rules

  • PASS LINE and DON'T PASS Bets - are made on the "Come-Out" roll when "Puck" (marker) is showing "OFF" (Black side).
  • PASS LINE - wins on 7 or 11, loses on 2, 3, or 12 on "Come-Out" roll (first roll of dice). Any other number becomes the "Point" (4, 5, 6, 8, 9, 10). If the "Point" rolls again before a 7 you win even money. The dealer will mark the "Point" with the "Puck" "ON" (Whiteside).
  • DON'T PASS - loses on 7 or 11, wins on 2 or 3, 12 is a Push on the first roll of the dice. Any other number becomes the "Point" you are betting against. If the 7 rolls before the "Point" rolls again you win even money.
  • COME and DON'T COME Bets - can be placed only when the "Puck" is showing "ON" (Whiteside).
  • COME BETS - win on 7 or 11, lose on 2, 3, or 12. Any other number becomes your "Point" (4, 5, 6, 8, 9, 10). If your "Point" rolls again before a 7 you win even money. The dealer marks this "Point" with your chips.
  • DON'T COME - loses on 7 or 11, wins on 2 or 3, 12 is a Push on the first roll of the dice after bet is placed in the Don't Come square. Any other number will become the "Point" you are betting against. If a 7 rolls before that "Point" you win even money. The dealer will mark the "Point" you are betting against with your chips by placing them behind the appropriate number.
  • ODDS - once a "Point" is established, you may take Odds WITH the dice on your PASS LINE or COME LINE Bets. The ODDS PAY:
    • If the point is 4 and 10, odds pay 2 to 1
    • If the point is 5 and 9, odds pay 3 to 2
    • If the point is 6 and 8, odds pay 6 to 5
  • You may Lay Odds AGAINST the dice on your DON'T PASS or DON'T COME bets - The amount required to Lay Odds is determined by the ways the "Point" can roll in comparison to 7.
    • Against the points 4 or 10, a player lays units of 2 to win 1
    • Against the points 5 or 9, a player lays units of 3 to win 2
    • Against the points 6 or 8, a player lays units of 6 to win 5
  • FIELD - A Field bet can be made on any roll of the dice. It is a ONE ROLL bet. If the 3, 4, 9, 10 or 11 rolls on the next roll of the dice you win even money. If the 2 or 12 rolls you win 2 to 1.
  • BIG 6 or BIG 8 - can be bet at any time. These are not one roll bets. They win even money on ANY COMBINATION of the number. They lose on the 7; whichever rolls first.
  • PROPOSITION BETS - are located in the PROPOSITION box in the center of the table. These are one roll bets that are decided on each roll of the dice. Maximum payoff on any proposition bet may not exceed $1500.
    • ANY 7 - Any 7 on the next roll of the dice pays 5 for 1.
    • ANY CRAPS - 2, 3, or 12 on the next roll of the dice pays 8 for 1.
    • ELEVEN - Eleven on the next roll of the dice pays 15 for 1.
    • 2 or 12 - Either 2 or 12 on the next roll of the dice pays 30 for 1.
    • 3 or 11 - Either 3 or 11 on the next roll of the dice pays 15 for 1
    • HORN BET - This is a minimum of a 4 unit bet wagered on 2, 3, 11, and 12. If one of these numbers is rolled, the payoff will be based on the payout odds for that number.
    • HORN HIGH BET - This is a minimum of a five unit bet and is the same as a Horn Bet with an additional amount unit bet on the 2, 3, 11, 12 as you designate.
    • WORLD BET - This is a minimum of a 5 unit bet wagered on the 2, 3, 7, 11, and 12.
    • HOPPING HARDWAYS - There is four hard way combinations: Hard 4 (two 2's), Hard 6 (two 3's), Hard 8 (two 4's) and Hard 10 (two 5's). They pay 30 for 1 when the number rolls and lose if any other number rolls.
    • A HOPPING BET - may be made on a specific combination of the dice from 4 to 10, with the exception of the hardways. These bets pay 15 for 1 when the specified combination rolls.
  • HARDWAYS - Hard 4 (2 & 2), Hard 6 (3 & 3), Hard 8 (4 & 4), and the Hard 10 (5 & 5). The Hard Ways ARE NOT One Roll bets. They lose on a 7 or any other combination of the number. (Ex: The Hard 6 will win on 3 and 3. It will lose on 7, 4 and 2 or 5 and 1).
  • PLACE BETS - You may PLACE the 4, 5, 6, 8, 9 or 10. You are simply betting that the number you place will roll before a 7. NOTE: You DO NOT Place these numbers yourself. You tell the dealer and he will place your wager in the appropriate spot.
  • Place Bets Pay:
    • 9 to 5 on the 4 and 10
    • 7 to 5 on the 5 and 9
    • 7 to 6 on the 6 and 8
    • To be sure you get paid these odds you will usually have to bet more than the table minimum. Ask your dealer for the correct amount to wager to insure the odds pay-off.
  • Craps Pay Off Odds -
    • PASS/DON'T PASS LINE Even Money
    • COME/DON'T COME Even Money
    • FIELD-3-4-9-10-11 Even Money
    • FIELD-2 or 12 2-1
    • ANY CRAPS 8 for 1
    • ELEVEN 15 for 1
    • ANY 7 5 for 1

5.0 Craps Rules - rev 03-14-2013 - WSGC 04-01-2013 - TGC 04-11-2013